The Pronghorn Antelope is the only surviving member of the
Family. It is a medium, deer-size animal with long, thin legs, a large white
rump patch and white on the sides of its face. Both males and females have
forked (or "pronged") horns (not antlers) that are shed each year. Pronghorns
inhabit open plains and grasslands, living alone or in small bands in summer
and forming large herds in winter.
Of the five Pronghorn Antelope sub-species, three are listed as
endangered and are protected. |
Pronghorns are ruminants - they have an even number of toes and
chew their cud. They eat grasses and forbes, but also browse on globemallow,
brickellia, sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and other shrubs. In late summer or early
Fall, the male gathers a harem of about 3 or 4 does. Females give birth to 1 or
2 fawns in May or June. The Pronghorn is the second fastest land animal on the
planet, running in 20-foot bounds at up to 60 miles per hour (the Cheetah is
the fastest). Unlike the Cheetah, however, the Pronghorn can sustain a fast
pace for hours at a time.