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Barn Owl

The Barn Owl is most easily distinguished by the white, heart-shaped disc which surrounds its face. It has relatively long legs for an owl and has golden brown feathers along its back and wings with a pale belly.

Natural History

The Barn Owl can be found throughout the desert southwest, as well as the rest of the US, Europe, Asia and Africa. It often lives in areas occupied by humans and will nest in barns, bridges or mines as well as in trees and in sheltered undercuts. The owl hunts at night and locates its prey (mainly rats and mice) with its acute vision and hearing. Like many owls, the Barn Owl will swallow the rodents whole, later regurgitating the indigestible bones and fur in the form of a pellet.

Though Barn Owls do not have ear tufts, they have excellent hearing and can locate their prey by sound alone.

Barn Owls usually nest in the spring and females lay 5-6 eggs. The chicks hatch after about a month and remain in the nest for 7-8 weeks before setting out on their own.

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