Damselflies and dragonflies are related
insects of the Order Odonata. As adults, you can tell the two apart by
the fact that the damselfly has a very long, slender abdomen and, when
not flying, usually holds its long stiff wings together with tips
touching over its back. The dragonfly generally has a thicker abdomen,
and when resting, holds its wings straight out from its body in the same
position as in flight.
History |
Damselflies begin their life underwater, hatching from
eggs and spending their first stage of life as aquatic larva or nymphs.
During this stage of their lives they breath through gills and are
ferocious aquatic predators, feeding on other aquatic larva, tadpoles
and small minnows. While underwater, nymphs may molt several times. When
ready to molt for the final time, the nymph leaves the water, and crawls
onto a plant stem or rock. The outer skin of the nymph then splits and
an adult damselfly emerges.
Damselflies are good flyers and
can attain speeds of up to 30 mph. |
As flying adults, damselflies only live a month or
two. During this short time they will stake out a territory, hunt for
food, locate a mate, and begin the entire life cycle again. They can
often be seen flying over the water (eating midges and mosquitoes) on
warm, sunny afternoons. |
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