The Black Tailed Rattlesnake is most
easily identified
the fact that its tail and nose are often black. Its body can be cream,
yellow, gray, or olive with dark black or brown irregularly shaped
blotches. The snake typically lives at higher elevations in the
mountains of Arizona near rock slides, cliffs and stream courses. They
avoid low land dry desert areas.
The Black Tailed Rattlesnake at
right was photographed in a stream bed near Flagstaff, AZ. Like
most rattlesnakes in AZ, the Black Tailed variety is not
aggressive, though will rattle to warn you of their presence. |
They are active both day and night during the warmer
months, particularly after warm rain storms. Females typically give
birth to 3-16 live young between July and August, then will defend the
brood until their first molt. Black Tailed Rattlesnakes typically eat
small mammals (such as woodrats, mice, kangaroo rats, rabbits and
gophers), birds and lizards.