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Stovepipe Well Dunes - Death Valley National Park

Summary: A hike around some scenic dunes near Stovepipe Wells Village. The dunes are formed by wind blowing sand south down Death Valley. When the winds hit Tucki Mountain they are slowed, depositing sand where you see it.
Directions: Drive east from Stovepipe Wells Village and park on the side of the road near the signs for the 'Sand Dunes'.
Road Conditions: Passenger Car - paved all the way
Navigation: Easy
Length: As long as you'd like
Date Hiked: November 2004
Weather Conditions: Pleasant and sunny
Required Skills: None
Hike Description: From the parking area, walk north to the dunes. From there, it's up to you. The best time to go is sunrise and sunset when the sun brings out the interesting textures and patterns in the sand. Return when you're ready.
Rating (1-5 stars):
The author and his wife hiked around to the top of the tallest dune and back in 1.5 hours.
Maps: Trails Illustrated - Death Valley National Park
Photos: Click picture for larger view, click your browser's 'Back' button to return to this page.

Sand dunes. Great sunset scenery.