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Secret Place #3 (Cassidy Canyon*)
* Alias, not found on any map.

Summary: A short and scenic technical canyon with 3 short rappels and likely some wading or swimming. To complete this hike you will need: 75' of rope, harness, descender, webbing, helmet, carabineers and probably a wet suit.
Road Conditions: Passenger Car
Navigation: Easy
Length: ~3 miles round trip
Date Hiked: September 2002 & April 2003
Weather Conditions: Nice
Required Skills:
Hike Description: From the car park walk up the road for 20 minutes then route find your way down into the tributary drainage to the west. Once in this side canyon simply head down stream. It's easy walking and in about 15 minutes you'll reach the main drainage of the canyon you came to see. The drainage is sunny and pleasant with a few small water filled pot holes. Another half an hour will bring you to a dry fall of 40' where a large boulder has fallen into the canyon, this may be bypassed by climbing around on the right. A short distance later is another boulder and drop that may also be down climbed on the right using a log for a ladder. Just past this obstacle you enter the technical narrows. Rap #1 (optional, this may also be down climbed) is 20' into a shallow pool using a choke stone at the top for an anchor. Do a short climb up a slope and Rap #2 is 30' from a single glue in bolt on the right (around the corner). A short walk through the deep dark narrows will bring you to Rap #3 which is 15' using the choke stone at the top. A little bit of stemming to avoid some small pools and a short walk bring you, all too soon, out of the narrows into the wide canyon. Rock hop and boulder your way down canyon. There are a few down climbs along the way - look for easier routes around on the left if the climbs appear a little to steep. The canyon soon dumps you out into the main tributary in the area. Splash your way upstream for 10 minutes to the trail that will take you up and out of the canyon, back to the trail head and your car.
Rating (1-5 stars):
Very pleasant and fun hike with deep narrows. The author and his wife completed the hike in 3.5 hours during a particularly dry summer. The author and his wife returned at a later date (in April) and found the canyon full of snow, water and ice (some photos from this trip may be found here). Full wet suits were absolutely required.
Photos: Click picture for larger view, click your browser's 'Back' button to return to this page.

Start of the narrows. The top of Rappel #1. Rappel #2.
Mossy green narrows. Dark narrows.