Oleander is a member of
the Apocynaceae (or Dogbane) Family.
appears as an evergreen perennial bush to 15 feet in height and has dark green
spear-shaped leaves and fragrant white, red or orange
blossoms. Oleander is a not native to the southwest, it was brought to
the US from the Mediterranean.
All parts of the Oleander plant
are very poisonous. One leaf may be enough to cause death to a
child. The
characteristic poisoning symptoms are: nausea, vomiting,
accelerated or retarded heartbeat, and cardiac arrest. |
Oleander (which means olive-like) blooms between May
and October and produces white, pink or yellow flowers with 5 petals
that grow in clusters at the end of each branch. The bush is cultivated as a decorative plant in many
countries all over the world and is a very common landscape plant in
