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Trip Reports |
Participants: Tom J, Tom G, Tom W,
Aaron, Megan, Todd & Steph |
One more photo in this section of the canyon for those
who like to live vicariously through my hella-X-treme adventures.
This web site presents a bit of a skewed view I'm afraid, these trips are
merely a brief respite from the regular work-a-day-butt-in-chair-staring-at-a-computer-screen-dreaming-of-hella-X-treme-adventures
sameness. Ok, last use of the 'hella' modifier, I promise. |
Here's the 5th waterfall, for those keeping track of
our progress up the canyon. |
Many canyons are merely cracks in the
earth, West was created on a larger scale. The gorge opens up a bit to
reveal some big sandstone walls. |
Oh, you wanted to see photos of others in the group?
Not sure that's really a good idea, but I'll swing the camera their
way. |
See, I warned you. Can't take
these AZ canyoneers anywhere (to be completely accurate, there's one
of them UT folk in there also, I'm not saying he's the instigator, but
you know 'one bad apple' and all). |
Walls streaked with desert varnish
make for a nice scene. |
The lighting gets better as the day wears on, with
the sun even making a brief appearance (between thunder claps anyway). Our
initial plan was to hike up and complete the upper, semi-technical
narrows of the canyon, but between the low water levels, travel time
by boat, short days, crappy weather and a brief pause to watch a a few re-runs of Fraggle
Rock we've run out of time. |
On the return trip, we forgo the high level bypass and
gear up for the narrows. Here's Steph taking her pack for a walk using
her patented Pink Floaty Toy ™. |
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extreme gear. Whether bustin' a move through a gnarly slot or surfing
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sure-grip tow rope all act to give Pink Floaty Toy ™ it's X-treme
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Pink Floaty Toy ™, we got your back .... to the max!
Pink Floaty Toy ™ and Killa' Pink Floaty Toy
Corp ™ are registered trademarks of Todd's Desert Hiking Guide. All
rights reserved. |
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Trip Reports |