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Trip Reports |
As part of a trip around Europe that
mainly involved outdoor activities the author and his wife spent a few
days doing the 'tourist thing' and seeing the sights in a few of the
less remote areas we traveled through - namely Barcelona and Holland.
Since I'm not well versed in these cultural and historic features,
I'll present a few photos with little comment or just make stuff up as
the mood suits me. |
Barcelona is located on the coast in the northeast
corner of Spain and served as the hub for our travels to and from the
area. The city features a gothic quarter which consists of a maze of
interconnecting dark streets linked with squares. Most of the
buildings date from the 14th and 15th century. |
Though I'm not sure why it's
significant, a photo of this walkway, which
connects two gothic buildings, appears in every brochure about the
city I happened across and now I present it to you (perpetuating the
image like a virus). |
The Catedral Gotic (Catalonian spelling) is one of the
most famous gothic structures in the area and was built between 1298 -
1450. Even those not particularly taken with religious iconography
would find the interior impressive. |
This is part of a monument to
Christopher Columbus which is located near the sea. It was built in
1888 for the Universal Exhibition and commemorates the discovery of
America. The monument is almost 200 feet high and has a statue of
Columbus himself at the top with his arm extended towards the New
World. I'm
assuming these lions are symbolic in nature since they don't really
have much to do with the event that I'm aware of. |
The work of the modernist Spanish architect Antoni
Gaudi is inescapable when traveling through Barcelona. The building
below is the Casa Batilo and was renovated by Gaudi in 1906 as an
apartment complex. |
La Sagrada Familia (or Holy Family Church) is one of
Gaudi's most impressive works. Construction of the building began in
1882 and still continues today, funded by tourism. Not surprisingly
the words 'Gaudi' and 'gaudy' are quite similar. |
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Trip Reports |