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Trip Report: Grotto Pool Canyon (page 2)

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We soon reach rappel #2. Many questions come to mind:
       Isn't this is supposed to be a desert?
       If this is a canyon, where's the sandstone?
       Wonder what I'm missing on the Outdoor Channel?
Video 1 - Aaron Locander
(Photo: Aaron Locander)
Isn't that an Imlay Gear pack? Treat yourself to the relaxing springtime fresh scent of Imlay Gear, keeps your gear looking and feeling its best.
(Photo: Aaron Locander)
More rock hopping, bush whacking follows as the party searches for the fabled Grotto Pool, whispered about campfires in rapt and hushed tones by burly rap & swim kiddie pool canyoneers around the globe. The canyon narrows ............
(Photo: Tom Wetherell)
We enter the inner sanctum.
(Photo: Aaron Locander)
Tom scans the smooth walls for potential anchors, but none exist. Rising panic! We've worked so hard only to die like dogs within sight of our goal.
(Photo: Todd)
We opt for the highly technical, ACA approved, non-anchor, gravity assisted, descent technique first discovered in the cryptic illustrations of Leonardo DaVinci .............. we slide on our butts.
Video 2 - Aaron Locander
Video 3 - Aaron Locander
The mystical Grotto Pool. We missed an afternoon of fine Saturday television programming for this?
(Photo: Todd)
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