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Trip Report: Spring Break '05 (page 1)
All photos by Todd unless otherwise noted.

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Participants: Tom J, Tom G, Tom W (a Three Tom Circus!), Aaron, Megan, Todd & Steph
Ahh - Spring Break ... it conjures images of road trips, beer, the beach, beer, drunken frat parties and even more drunk sorority women and beer. Unfortunately, those images are not my own. As an engineering major my own memories are of finally having the luxury of time to get caught up on school work - maybe throw in an extra credit project for good measure. Sad, you say, maybe a little pathetic? Well those days are over. Which is why, 20 years later, it's time to bust outta the crib, tear it up, and do some road trippin'! Did I mention we're going to hike around, take some pictures and maybe look for a few wildflowers? Yeah mon, word up .... kick it!
The plan calls for renting a boat and tooling around the Powell Reservoir to visit a few side canyons. The first order of business is to cram 7 people and gear into an 19' Runabout. Next, is to see anyone knows how to drive a speedboat ..... no? Is that a problem? .... uh yeah. Let's see if it will move with everyone sitting in the very back trying to stay out of the cold wind .... er .... not really, and you can't see where you're going. What happens if you press that button .... ack! what the? .... best not to touch that one. We're finally off like a terd of hurtles and make our way to West Canyon for a little backpacking trip.
We tie up the boat and walk up canyon. With water levels in the reservoir more than 100 feet below normal, it takes over an hour of hiking just to get to the regular starting point for the canyon. The weather is cold and dreary so when presented with an opportunity to swim in icy water, the group responds in unison with a rousing - "Hell no!" We take the high level bypass around this slot and eventually make camp on a dry beach, and are lulled to sleep listening to the pitter-pat of falling rain. Camped out in one of the biggest drainages on the reservoir in the midst of a rainstorm, aren't we worried about flash floods? Well, everyone notes that Tom G has set up his tent on a lower bench. We slip off into a peaceful slumber, safe in the knowledge we'll be roused by his terrified cries should water levels rise.
Next day we arise to more light rain & head up through the narrows. Here's a photo of what professional geologists technically refer to as a big-honkin' alcove.
The bible of Colorado Plateau canyoning gives West Canyon high marks for it's deep dark narrows. The canyon has been nice enough so far, but nothing remarkable. Exactly where are those so-called narrows?
.... Oh.
The narrows in west are fairly unique among canyons, with the walls having a filleted look to them.
Hella - cool!
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